A Right To Respect: Drivers of Violence and Essential Actions

  • 30 Nov 2021
  • 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM (AEDT)
  • Via Zoom (link provided upon registration)
  • 3


Registration is closed

Women and girls with disabilities are twice as likely to experience violence as those without disabilities.

We are running a series of three (3) online workshops, aimed towards disability and social services workforces, to show how gender and disability inequality drives violence, and how you can prevent it. 

This is the registration page for Session 2: Drivers of Violence and Essential Actions.

If you would like to participate in all three workshops, you can find more information and the registration page here. 

Register by:

Tuesday 16 November 2021 

What you will learn 

Session 2: Drivers of Violence and Essential Actions will tell you:

  • How our everyday actions and practice can contribute to violence against women with disabilities 

  • How gender and disability equitable practice can create change to end violence 

  • Strategies and tools to prevent violence against women with disabilities. 

The training is co-facilitated with an expert in violence prevention and a woman with a lived experience of disabilities. It is evidence-based, aligning with the latest research on disability, Our Watch’s Change the Story, and the Preventing Family Violence & Violence against Women Capability Framework.  

For more information: contact Tess Karambelas on (03) 7065 1431 or tess.karambelas@wdv.org.au. 

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